
20th Convention of the Polish Oncology Surgery, Bydgoszcz, 15-17 May 2014

This year's convention was exceptional, because it was connected to the 20th jubilee of the Oncology Center in Bydgoszcz. (więcej…)

33rd Summit of the Polish Lung Illness Association , 10-13 May 2014, Jachranka by Warsaw

We are happy to inform that the annual Summit of the Polish Lung Illness Association took place in May 2014 and we were present at this event. (więcej…)

8th International Conference, Białystok, 8-10 May 2014

"How to prevent undesirable occurrences in videosurgery?" - was the main topic of the 8th International Conference where we presented products distributed by us. (więcej…)

Polish Conference, Katowice, 10-11 October 2014

"Newest standards in treating lung illness" was the topic of the Polish Conference in Katowice, which has been held in October 2014. (więcej…)

Conference for Lung Cancer, 15 February 2014, Warszawa

We would like to inform you about a Conference that was dedicated to the topic of lung cancer. (więcej…)

7th Conference of the Polish Lung Cancer Group, 6-7 December 2013, Warszawa

Thank you for visiting us at our booth during the Conference, which took place on 6-7 December 2013 in Warsaw, Poland. (więcej…)