Other surgical products

We offer a wide range of accessories that enhance and facilitate the work of the medical staff.

RingProtect™ Wound Protector

RingProtect™ Disposable Retractor is a great solution designed to retract surgical wound during surgery what exposes internal organs for operation and helps protect the wound site from bacterial contaminations or tumor cells implantation what provides substantial cost savings. Circumferential elastic retraction maximizes the working area for better visualization and increased exposure. RingProtect™ Disposable Retractor is...

Absorbing pads

Designed to absorb all kinds of fluids, e.g. water, saline, amniotic fluids, blood, urine, which are then solidified Sterile and non-sterile versions available Available in 3 sizes [cm]: 120x60; 72x37 and 56x37 Provide greater safety in the operating room and reduce cleaning time and costs.

Vomit bags

With special easy-to-hold plastic rim in the shape of a mask, easy to seal, features a volume marking with low volume scale Pre-gelled version available Designed for safe and hygenic collection of vomit and to reduce unpleasant odour Perfect for stationary use and on the move 

Solidifying agent

Designed to solidify the patient's secretions Available packed in sachetes or bins Enhances the transport of secretions, minimalizes the spreading of fluids on surfaces We also offer a solidifying-antifoaming agent and an antifoaming agent - the product that eliminiates foaming on the surface of the fluids drawn from the patient.