Suction system

The offered products can be used for blood and other fluid removal during open surgery while the
product is connected to an external source of suction.
The product can be delivered as the cannula itself or together with the attached tubing.
The Suction Sets consist of any suction cannula and any tubing.
There are various tubes available
- internal diameter: 5mm, 6mm and 7mm,
- length 200cm, 210cm, 300cm, 350cm and 380cm.
- The tube can be fitted with large, small or no female connector.
The cannula can be attached to any standard connecting tube.
The suction cannulas can be curved or straight. They can also be fitted with suction control or not.
They suction cannulas can be fitted with a bulb or not.
The standard suction cannulas are available in various sizes – from 10 to 32 (in the Charrier scale).
The product is disposable, sterilised with EO.